Installation Shots
ZK Gallery is pleased to present MIND, an exhibition of new artworks by Kwangho Shin. Born in South Korea, Shin’s paintings depict subjects using colors that represent the subjects’ emotions, with brushstrokes and layers of paint often distorting the subjects’ faces while drawing attention to the eyes.
Inspired by the exuberantly painted compositions of the Action Painters group of Abstract Expressionists, KwangHo Shin works with oil paint and charcoal on canvas to produce portraits that merge inner states with outer appearances. Often working at a grand scale, he creates sketchy, vigorously executed images of human figures, heads, and faces using a multicolored patchwork of brushstrokes. In some compositions, his brushstrokes obscure his figures, whose contours can just be made out amid the pigment. In others, faces and forms are more clearly articulated. The conglomerations of marks make such forms appear almost sculptural. By replacing flesh and features with thick strokes of pigment, Shin reflects the tumult of thoughts and emotions that lay concealed below our surfaces and that fundamentally shape our identities.
Opening Reception – Friday, August 21st at 6:00pm – 9:00pm