Selected Works
Gilbert was born in 1967 in Firminy where he grew up. His first contact with art was naturally with the architect “LE CORBUSIER” whose works permeate the city. From a young age he was passionate about drawing, he began to make his first paintings, but pencil remained his privileged field of creation. Later, it was in architecture school that he developed a plastic reflection on light and the representation of the object in its daily environment with a certain aesthetic attraction for “Pop Art” artists. His passion for automobiles led him to make a change in his artistic approach. The sense of detail, of the observation of a sometimes macrobiotic vision through photography gives him the idea of staging the representation of the object through painting. From now on he chooses acrylic as his main technique and is moving towards large formats… The subject, a bit like an obsession is, and will remain, the classic automobile. All models will be represented in series, through the characteristics of the brand, such as hubcaps, bumpers, dashboards, reflections on a headlight, a handle, a bodywork, etc. This then appears in the figurative representation of the object “car” an abstraction in the detail of the object. A question then arises of “photorealistic” painting, sublimated by a detail where the colors and the material create an emotion while maintaining a balance between reality and fiction.